Monday, February 3, 2020

Do you think the US is currently doing all that it should to reduce Essay

Do you think the US is currently doing all that it should to reduce global warming - Essay Example Voluntary measures, as it is obvious to think, won't be as effective as mandatory measures since many companies involved are worried about the short-term benifits that they are getting in the present system of traditional energy production and consumption. For example, the use of alternatives sources of energy like solar energy should be enforced as a mandatory measure to be implemented as soon as possible. According to Monga Bay (2006), the United States is acting unethically on global warming. A recent report from June 16, 2009, given by the US Global Change Research Program provides the next key findings about global warming: "The latest climate science tells us that the United States and the world must break its dependence on fossil fuels and transition rapidly to 100 percent clean, renewable energy if we hope to avoid the most catastrophic effects of global warming" (Environment California, 2008). These are the strong mandatory measures that the United States have to enforce in order to solve the global warming issue.

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